Our Strategy

Our strategy for the years 2023–2027 is compiled of Sivis’ vision, mission, values, goals, and the methods of achieving these goals.

Our Vision

  • Learning together for competent and active citizenship.

Our Mission

  • Together with our members we will promote adult learning, cultural activity, and liberal adult education; strive to develop civic competences; and promote active citizenship and volunteering.

Our Values

  • Our values include bildung, active citizenship, sustainability, community, and equality in education.

Our Four Goals

  1. Supporting lifelong learning and civic competencies through educational activity.
  2. Education for sustainability.
  3. Supporting democracy through educational activity.
  4. Strengthening the voluntary sector through capacity-building
Our strategy for the years 2023–2027 is compiled of Sivis' vision, mission, values, goals, and the methods of achieving these goals

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